Thanks for shopping with Muqbis!
If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, we're here to help.
To be eligible for a return, Please ensure the following:
You have 14 days to return any defective item from the date you received it.
Your item(s) must be in the original packaging.
Your item needs to have the receipt or proof of purchase.
Make sure to return the products in their original condition with all tags attached.
Any used products in any way will not be returned.
All single-use products, including (swimming wear, socks, and any wearable knit products), will not be returned.
If all these conditions apply to the product, you will be eligible to have a refund for the product's cost, not including shipping and return fees.
- In case of a customization request, a 25% of the total amount of your order is required as a down payment.
- Make sure to send us all the references and details regarding your customization request to ensure it’s done perfectly.
- Any customization requests done after 24hrs of the confirmation call will not be accepted.
Returns for customized products
In case of a customized product, the following policy apply:
- Customized product(s) can’t be returned or refunded unless it’s defective or broken.
- In case of receiving a customized item(s) that is broken or defective, make sure to contact us as soon as you receive the item(s) and our team will thoroughly investigate the incident.
- If you’re eligible for a return, our team will be contacting you within 1 to 5 working days.
- You’ll be notified after we receive your returned item(s).
- You’ll receive another update on the status of your refund within 1 to 5 working days after inspecting the returned item(s) to ensure its eligibility for refund.
- If your item(s) condition follows our return policies, we will contact you via email to know your payment information to process the refund.
- Shipping & return fees are non refundable.
- Any deposit made for a customized item(s) is non refundable in any case.